The excitement of getting married cannot be described in words… you have to live it!
Everyone interprets it and lives it in their own way and from the day my boyfriend asked me, I had one maxim in my mind: live the experience with the people I love most. For me, celebrating a wedding is like a party, “the party of love,” as corny as it may sound. And not only love as a couple (of which there is a lot!), but love for family and friends, and I couldn’t have a better excuse to be able to shout loud and clear how much I love them and how lucky I feel to have them.
I am living magical moments with my family: the dress fitting, the earrings, the order, the menu fitting, the choice of the place (well I was clear about this),… everything! And some time ago, when I saw the brunches at Can Ribas on Instagram I saw the perfect opportunity to live a special moment with my best friends, who at the end of the day are like family to me. It was a way of telling them, “I am happy and I feel very lucky. That’s why I want to celebrate it and have a special memory with you, my soul friends.”
Seeing how excited they were when I told them was already like a wedding gift. But when we arrived and saw everything so well prepared, so cute, the fruit, the table, everything! and I heard the excited screams of my friends, I knew that I had already achieved it, having my love festival with my girls and a shared memory for a lifetime. Without a doubt, if I were to get married again (which I hope not!) I would repeat it, because in the end that is what life is all about, excitement and making each experience a unique memory. And Can Ribas knows a lot about that… And it shows in every step we take towards the big day, everything is perfect.