You open your eyes and it has already arrived. After so much time seeing that day marked with stars on the calendar, which at first seemed so far away. How long would it take to arrive? And suddenly there is nothing more to do: because the list of attendees is closed; The accessories of the dress, chosen one by one and tried on a hundred times, rest on the bed; the best man controls the bouquet, matching his tie; The memories, which you were able to finish last week, are safe at home. The cousin from London arrived safely, the grandparents can bring Raquel by car, the little ones have already rehearsed giving the rings – although you suspect that your sister has put it in their heads to do it with a little surprise dance… anyway, Whatever it has to be, the photographer will arrive at ten. Everything tied up. And it has already arrived.
Yes, yes…it is today. It’s today.
And even though there’s nothing else to worry about, your head keeps going over everything. It will turn out fine, right? People will be comfortable and happy, right? How will he react when he sees it? You will love the place…
The place. Yes, you’re coming. You see it. That entrance, the trees, the tower. Someone is waiting for you and smiles at you. You get out of the car. You take a deep breath…so much peace! Everything under control, they already take care of it. After all, it has already arrived. You smile because you trust, you smile because you are happy, you smile because, now, the time has come to let go.