We came to live here thirty years ago. We were kids. Yes yes, all. He was even younger than us now. Without hesitation, he grabbed suitcases and accepted that call from his father-in-law. “We are going to live in Bigues” they told us. “When?” I asked innocently. “Tomorrow”. He was an intense, charismatic father-in-law-father-grandfather, strong in everything, serious and especially hard with the family. Although fortunately and contradictorily with such a wise and intelligent sense of humor that getting a place at the table was a luxury. Always surrounded by writers, poets, painters, singer-songwriters, entrepreneurs, creators of things,… that was our life. Our childhood. If you wanted to keep your place at the table you had to remain silent, hold your pee, and above all speak only if you were given the floor. It was that time when the leading role came from above. Not like now when children occupy the center of the table and are the rock stars. In my time it wasn’t like that. We sat by age. Throughout those 30 years little by little I got closer and closer. More cousins came, I am the oldest of them all although I was always the youngest of the aunts, that is our family. The Can Ribas family. We have lived a lot here. With everything that is living. Cry and laugh in equal parts. Suffer and enjoy. We love this house above all things. Because this is more than a farmhouse for weddings, it is a home. Our life. Become your home. Your memories. And the place where dreams come true.