We love beautiful things and Teresa from Hello Flowers Barcelona always shows us beautiful things, like this Centerpiece. A CROWN OF GREEN!
We have chosen Eucalyptus and Lentisco, but you can do it however you like. You can even add some flowers to give it a little color.

. Three types of Eucalyptus and Lentisco
. Green decorative wire
. Golden decorative wire
. Special gardening glue
. Pliers

. We are making bouquets with a variety of Eucalyptus and Lentisco to our liking. And we tie them with the decorative green wire.
. On the table we mark, with the golden wire, the diameter of the crown.
. We are tying all the bouquets on the golden wire until it is completely covered.

What do you think? If you want to decorate your wedding tables yourself, this is a good option although it takes time.
If you prefer, we can help you at home!