I have finally dared to write, because I see that what worried me worries many: what if it rains at the wedding? I confess: I spent the previous two months looking at the weather forecasts, as if I got something out of looking so far in advance! And yes, I admit it, I brought eggs to the Poor Clare nuns. What will they do with so much egg? They could set up a bakery, with cupcakes and everything. Better yet, a wedding cake company, and then they can close deals with those who are going to bring them the eggs. But let’s not get off topic, the wedding is the issue.
It rained. In the middle of the ceremony, it rained. In fact it was only for a little while, a few minutes of nothing, and then it stopped. And as I fell and stood still, I heard one of the guests – a friend of my parents, one of those they met on a trip – saying excitedly: Oh! In my country that means luck!
Well yes, in your country a drizzle in the middle of the ceremony brings luck to the couple. And not only in your country! That, for the Italians, sposa bagnata, sposa fortuneta, and the French say that mariage pluvieux, mariage hereux. Something like what my grandmother said: wet bride, lucky bride. Some say it is because it brings fertility; other than the rain are the tears that will no longer be shed. And if we get metaphorical, Hindus comment that a wet knot is more difficult to untie.
But I’m not going to deceive you, what convinced me most were not the proverbs or the distant metaphors. It was that, at my wedding, that was like a small gift, as if an unexpected assistant came that we were all happy to see.
And then I have attended more events and wow how it has rained on some of them! And I’ll tell you something: now I understand why in movies the most romantic scenes are always in the rain. That the umbrellas have a glamor, that the sound of the water caressing the branches generates a special atmosphere, that the “Bertí Cingles” look beautiful under the dim light of the storm clouds, that the photos are spectacular…
Wow, your day is going to be exquisite whatever the weather. And if it rains at your wedding…let it rain!