
Tenim molta història, però sobretot tenim històries.

Cada dia a Can Ribas és un dia diferent. Cada casament és únic. Cada parella enamorada és especial. Al llarg dels anys, a Can Ribas celebrem la vida i l’amor omplint aquesta casa d’històries boniques i màgiques creant moments feliços.

Aquest espai és vostre, nuvis de Can Ribas. I junts expliquem la vostra història que també és la nostra.

Helena & David – Octubre 2020

“It all started one day when I, Helena Clusellas, the bride, was mute due to an operation on the vocal cords and David, the groom, slipped out the phrase in the middle of a family dinner  – We must become a couple! It seems very unfair that I can’t ask for a day off from work and accompany her to the hospital, she’s my life partner, what’s wrong that I’m nobody?-  So imagine my reaction; all red, nervous… I didn’t know where to stand, I didn’t even understand if he had said it seriously or if it was just a passing thought born of a strong emotion at that moment, something impulsive and nothing more.  So, with the blackboard in hand, the first conversation was born about what would eventually end up being, for now, the happiest day in our history.  Already with the idea of ​​having a totally intimate wedding, without celebration, nothing more than signing the papers and having a couple’s dinner. Getting married in April 2020. The pandemic, the Covid-19, is coming. We shut ourselves up at home for months and among other things we reflect and miss our friendships but especially our family. That’s when we open our eyes and realize that it would probably be one of the only “excuses” for the two families to meet. David is from Galicia and all his family and friends are still there.   We decide to completely leave aside the economic barrier and the impediment posed by the pandemic. And we started to create the list of guests that we really wanted to be part of that unrepeatable day. Without planning it and without thinking too much about it, the rest of the details come by themselves. We immediately have a very clear idea of ​​how we envision the big day; a vegetarian catering for everyone was for us one of the most important parts. A celebration with civil ceremony, “boho” style, rustic, natural, simplicity and trying to do it as ecologically as possible, with live swing and rock n’ roll music with Pianobar, and we couldn’t miss a little performance by us in·Put as the artists we are.

But where? We had to find the place. We knew we wanted it to be a farmhouse, a place completely removed from the city. So with 7 places on the list I want to visit, the first of them is CAN RIBAS. As soon as we arrived we were already excited and when we saw one of the possible scenarios for the ceremony we had goosebumps. None of the other spaces we visited conveyed to us what Can Ribas conveyed to us.  So we agree on a date of 10-10-2020. We will celebrate our wedding in Can Ribas. Communication with them is constant and they help us from minute 1 with all the doubts and details to get the most out of our day. We have a lot to thank them for. We were never inconvenienced, always made easy. They offered us a 100% vegetarian menu created for us. There is no need to talk about the big day “Tasting the menu”… what a happy day of emotions and stomach, of course. thank you  We cannot avoid talking about all the changes due to the restrictions that the pandemic involved. How we all adapted to the situation; the solutions and the alternatives, the smiles and moving on, never losing the illusion to be able to celebrate no matter who we were. We were very clear that if we had to be 20 then we would celebrate being 20. Life must be lived, we never know what will come, it is something that the pandemic reminded us very clearly. And there are always reasons to go ahead, smile and enjoy. Suddenly the weather forecast indicated that our Saturday would be a day of storms, not rain, no… storms! So, what should we do? If this happens, remember the “wet bride, lucky bride” thing. Everything seemed like a fairy tale, the weather couldn’t have accompanied us in a better way, it created an incredibly romantic setting. During the ceremony the sun came out and just as it was ending the beautiful “xim-xim” began to fall with the first photos of the newlyweds. And finally, once we started dinner inside, the lightning and thunder started. Simply beautiful.  Thank you Can Ribas for making it possible. With you it was always so easy, we will never know how to thank you. You have created a happier story around the lands and we are thrilled to be a part of it. We can’t wait for October 10th to come and celebrate at the restaurant so we can relive all those emotions.”

Helena i David

First look

Fotografías: Ismael Lobo

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